Monday, September 28, 2009

Reality Check: You are Building Character

Some days it seems that you are struggling to understand. Some days you feel way ahead. Other days you think the teacher is getting on your case and still others your being congratulated for something you didn't even know you did. Well, the simple truth is you are learning, growing, and building character with each passing day. Keep it up and you will succeed.

Reading Counts is key to our success!

We have hit the ground running this year, with Reading Counts. To date our class has accumulated over 260 total points. How do you feel about the reading counts program? Do you think that reading on a daily basis and taking a quick test has made it easier to read? What do you like about reading counts? What would you change about reading counts if you could? Please respond.

What do you know about Ecosystems?

Given a flower, grasshopper, toad, snake, and eagle how could you describe an Ecosystem? Could you determine what type of habitat? Could you identify the type of Biome? Could you explain the energy and food web? Could you discuss the individual, population, and community? Could you explain the interaction between these animals in an environment? If you can, please comment!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Poetry: Beauty Is...

Our class investigation of offbeat poet Ogden Nash and Robert Frost provided us with an insight into a variety of poetry styles. The discussions we had and were both thoughtful and playful. We learned that rhyme, meaning, and a clever use of words can be used to evoke the authors message. Our examination culminated in a poetry theme titled "Beauty Is". I found your poems to be creative and thoughtful. I want to thank Ms. Hunter and Mrs. Edwards for working with us on this lesson. Please respond with your thoughts about poetry, the author's we studied, and the writing of "Beauty Is".