Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Making a Video investigative Webquest "US Regions"

Students, we have talked about Historians, Climatologists, Geographers, and Social Scientists. Now is your chance to become one of these individuals and research within your choosen field. Follow the link and complete the task. Link Video Promotional

Landform Webquest

Be creative and create a brochure for a travel agency. Follow the link Adventure Travel and complete the tasks. Your finished product will be a travel brochure.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ecosystems Webquest

To explore ecosystems more, please compete this webquest. You will become and Oceanographer, a Rainforest Expert, or an Artic Expert.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Sun Sets and Rises: Adjectives

I have posted a picture of a Sunrise. Last week we discussed Adjectives in reading. Please create a post that describe's this sunrise. Include lots of Adjectives and descriptive words.